Some 7th graders stayed after school today for a book discussion on
Closed for the Season by Mary Downing Hahn. This was a really creepy mystery about an unsolved murder, missing (embezzled) money, and also themes like friendship and loyalty. One of the things we talked about was staying true to yourself and standing up for what you believe in. I'm always proud of my kids when we have a discussion and I find that they've grasped these important points on their own.
Because an important location in the book was a closed, rundown theme park where a lot of the action takes place, one thing we talked about was local legends about haunted buildings and unsolved mysteries. We managed to creep ourselves out, and while I had one story that they'd never heard -
the house that turned around - they also had plenty that they all knew, independently of each other. It was a lot of fun.
Glad this was successful... I think it's great that students think about themselves, have fun and keep the mystery alive. Very Cool!