Lisa Kleypas is one of my favorite historical romance writers, and this was her first foray into contemporary. It was of course well written because she is a good writer, so I did enjoy it, even though contemporary isn't my favorite. She also wrote in the first person which I generally don't like, but at least it wasn't in the present tense. I read it in one night because I couldn't put it down and I didn't even know until near the end who the hero was going to be. I was disappointed at first until I realized that the heroine made a wise decision. It was so interesting to see how Kleypas described the life of a contemporary character who had a rough life and came out on top. She made the book more than just a romance- it was an actual book about a character, rather than just about the relationship between a hero and heroine. I can't wait to read Blue-Eyed Devil, which is the story of one of the characters in the book.